An ambitious, creative tasting project by the Chef Designer of the Italian Chefs Federation, Fabrizia Ventura. Recipes created specifically to best appreciate the characteristics of the Farro production and to enhance the Campania food and wine traditions.
A menu, veracious and volcanic, which sees wine as the protagonist of new and creative taste notes.
Sito web: www.cookdesignitaly.com

"Upside down"
overturned cheesecake, ricotta, figs and raw with jelly with the basil of Depie 'Rose' Spelled.
Base cheesecake tarallo Neapolitan sugna and pepper!

"Gold of Naples"
"Bourbon" lasagna with Neapolitan sauce of yellow Vesuvio tomatoes, ricotta cheese and fried meatballs. The cooking of Neapolitan ragout is slow, (must "pippiare") the meat is exhausted, pampered in the preciousness of the aromas of the "Le Cigliate" wine of the Farro company. The 23 kt gold enriches the presentation and inspires the name, in memory of a distant food tradition..

"Genovese inside"
Meat Stuffed of Genovese and "bombolotti" with flour of spelled with crunchy pecorino flakes.
This is how one enters the Neapolitan myth of Genovese ragù that marries in its slow and long cooking the soft, wide, balanced taste of Falanghina Farro.
Chef Ambassador Cantina Farro, Fabrizia Ventura, offers a personal reinterpretation of a Partenopean cultural gastronomic tradition.

" Lavico inside"
Wine on a plate, charcoal square sandwich with broccoli, spicy provolone cheese with Piedirosso Campi Flegrei wine reduction.